Badili Hardware Launched Protective & Marine Coatings Nationwide
Badili Hardware has officially launched its full partnership to be the exclusive distributor of internationally known Pittsburg Paint and Glass (PPG) Industries.
PPG an American Fortune 500 company and global supplier of paints and specialized in protecting assets which includes structural steel aspects, Cladding steel and most importantly protective coating for marine applications.
Badili Hardware are trading in two different locations that are their Port Moresby and Lae Branches.
Badili Hardware Resident Director Sri Bala said PNG is a maritime nation.
“We have lots of multi-national coastal shipping vessels, and banana boats and PPG have a range of products which are time tested at international standard to protect the assets and we are proud to bring it into PNG.” Mr. Bala Said.
“We have lots of trading vessels in our trading routes, PPG has a range of products in terms of marine coating, extending the lifetime of the vessels, and our boat owners can be able to benefit from the products”
Mr. Bala said the partnership with PPG have created additional employment of six positions for Papua New Guineans in Port Moresby and Lae.
There was a five-day intensive training also conducted by PPG Australia and America Professionals to train their staff before they go on with the Sales in the retail outlets. The training was based on customer interaction and how to sell the product for the right purpose to suit the client’s needs.
“it’s very good opportunity and we always ensure the products we bring in are relevant and they help the country in nation building and in that process we hold our heads high and bring this agency for the first time to PNG.” Chairman Ashok Kumar said.
He said that PPG is the asset production business in the cases of fire with the unfortunate experience of Fire in Port Moresby; their product if introduced earlier to customers and business owners should have minimized the situations causing the loss to the investment to the business and loss of employments to Papua New Guineans.
“We have to make sure all the standards of building must comply with advanced country standards and that is where products like PPG comes in,” Mr. Kumar said.
Badili Hardware is one of the premium hardware and building materials merchants in Papua New Guinea which started their trading in 1995 in Badili.
Badili Hardware is happy to expand with the same name and a very proud registered and PNG based operation with almost 150 Papua New Guineans in the operations and are proud of their record.
Over the last 24 years of their existence, Badili Hardware has grown with the spirit of free enterprise and we have identified the opportunities to bring in Brands and products which have not been used in PNG before, these brands and products are of very reputable brands and they help building our nation.
Their continuing quests for improvement on the range of products that are dealt with have been recognized and is the only company in the hardware industry that has been awarded ISO 9001 Certification which confirms the products, the quality supply, employment process applicable are at an international standards.